Flag of Greece

- 18 Aug
Flag of Greece
One symbol - 200 Objects
An outstanding exhibition with artworks related to the Greek Flag is being exposed to the public in Marinera Gallery, at Fira of Santorini. The exhibition will take place from 1st of August until the end of September.
Stella is attending with "2012" and the new "Victorious Thrust":
The revolution of a nation has a transnational character and its power exceeds all geographical limits. Memories that still revive what took place in the past, written in indelible ink for the human race, are the cornerstones of the present. The Flag turns the page and welcomes modern revolutions. Social, humanitarian and scientific revolutions. Every wave is a victory won in an invisible war, the winner being the spiritual evolution against darkness and the lack of education, which only contribute to the exploitation of man by man and the ignorance of our own rights. ‘21 is here, more present than ever and calling for change, with the mind awake in a dizzying orbit.