Curriculum Chromæ

“Curriculum Chromæ” is a conceptual unit on color. Coming up with the -æ ending involves a linguistic play which echoes back to the term vitae and represents my long-standing research and reflections on color in this biographical endeavor.




  • Dimensions: 120x120cm

  • Year: 2013-2014

  • Skills: Acrylic, Plexiglass, Electronic equipment, neon and led lighting

The use of neon red lighting on the green canvas reveals that at the meeting of the two colors, the gray color is clearly highlighted by completing and verifying their complementary task. Red and green share similar color values and reach the same degree of brightness. It seems that the existence of the one tries to overrule that of the other. Brightness decreases at the same time in both colors. Each of the two colors’ extent is in danger of being altered. Their conflict takes a more tragic twist.

  • “Colors must fit together as pieces in a puzzle or cogs in a wheel” - Hans Hoffman