Labirinto Interno

Labirinto Interno
Dimensions: 70x100cm
Year: 2010
Skills: Oil on canvas
The atoms and molecules of matter are structured through a series of biochemical reactions in chromosomes and proteins in order to create superior structures which lead to collaborative functions in the miracle of life, such as people-persons in society organizing families, groups, tribes, with background psychic senses. The cell is the fractal of the body, the body in turn is the fractal of society. Social constitutional part, under investigation for the discovery of the laws of life, the body becomes a guide to the exit from the maze of contradictions and creative instrument in space-time continuum. The human body is considered from ancient times to nowadays as a challenge: a starting event of contradictory meanings. Body: A matrix of life and creativity, a container of pleasure, a carrier of noble sentiments, a culture creator. In contrast: a medium of adversity and mental pain expression deterioration, a decay, a corpse with contrite bones. An in-and-outflow unit, a site of exceptional emotions, a filter of reality, a tracer of the arrow of time in each corner of it, gives meaning to and vice-versa. The painting delivers relief of these contrasts, contrasts that get nullified within an aura of optimism and the hope of a new life - Resurrection (red colors) after Crucifixion, uphill towards the end through the impasses of the maze. The maze depicts the complexity and wildness of human soul and thought. On the other hand, the geometric image of the labyrinth suggests the existence of some basic rules and structures that must be followed by the man in his life: “Moderation is best” said Ariadne to Theseus before he entered the paths of the labyrinth of Daedalus. “Know thyself” in order not to become off targets. Attention to the unknown, the unspeakable, the unthinkable, the brilliant and scary at the same time in the vastness of the territory within the human and the human form. He takes seriously the factors in mind of the unknown, which is the silent transcendental knowledge, the inspiration, the art, the religion, the magic, the left side, the second attention, the femininity. He deals very carefully with the known which includes the logic, the right side, the science, the first attention, the masculinity. He doesn’t close, he tends to infinity even though he is trapped into the human body, which signals along with the red color the human tendency to the alternation and evolution. Innocent or guilty? The removal of the body dares and concerns about which at the same time allows the penetration of the inner world dominated by the maze which marks the sanctuary of the psychic world. The pain for loss and dumping, joy for the breadth of womanhood, the wonder and hope combined with the linear perspective of the labyrinth which - with red color which corresponds life - leads to the total reversal! Crucifixion or Birth? Darkness or Light?