Curriculum Chromæ

“Curriculum Chromæ” is a conceptual unit on color. Coming up with the -æ ending involves a linguistic play which echoes back to the term vitae and represents my long-standing research and reflections on color in this biographical endeavor.


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  • Dimensions: 175x175cm

  • Year: 2013

  • Skills: Acrylic on doubled rough linen canvas, Neon lighting

By observing the contemporary reality, things that happening among us in politics, economy, and human society in general, we realize that gray color is dominating. We are used to match the meaning of gray color with sadness, depression and denial. Gray color is a mixture of two achromatic ones: white and black. A big realm of gray tones lies among these two. It also comes as a mixture result of the three primary colors which get nullified like with water and fire. Also, in theory, every pair of complementary colors gives us the gray. It's cold, wet, typical, formal and conservative. This is the neutral color an eye looks for, in order to rest, because of its flexibility, silence and relaxation. It symbolizes balance and neutrality. Can be transformed by the influence of any color, capable of abandoning its neutral status and get life through colors lying next to it. As a component, it lacks dynamics, it tends to desperation when it becomes dark and regains hope when illuminated. It resists as time passes by, maintaining its shades even under adverse conditions. By being possessed by discretion and indifference, it becomes the "diplomatic" solution among white and black. It’s also a good link of incompatible colors just like its natural parents. The current painting, the “Gray”, is a part of a conceptual series of paintings regarding the theory of colors. Primary, secondary, complementary, achromatic, hot and cold. Its title is printed in a QRCode, developed on two differential surfaces. The QRCode has been intervened in its three squares, by applying a "neon" type lighting. Each square contains one of the primary colors, which are arranged in between the two differential surfaces. The aura of serenity gray color exudes, when illuminated by the wisdom of yellow, the red’s joy and spirituality of the blue, it gives optimistic messages about life. The color of human brain and intellect. By looking at it, it "speaks" by itself, just like a QRCode…I’m wondering, do we have to look at gray color from a different point of view?

  • QRCode based layout with flyover areas

  • Neon lighting with the three primary colors